A Word From The Future: I want one now. Also, due to the deletion of a couple of old pseudo-optimistic posts relating to life with The Worst Person In The World....That I Personally Know, about how cool it would be to be roommates and a lame project where I had to buoy his non-existent comedy skills, this stands as the earliest entry on my blog! Until I perfect my time twisting machine, of course.
Am I the only one who isn't really all that excited for the Nintendo 3DS? Maybe it's just because I'm not a wealthy person with metric tonnes of money to blow, but $250 seems a bit steep for a handheld with a ludicrously short battery life. Sounds to me like we're rushing into new technology a little bit before it's actually ready for wide consumption. It doesn't count as portable if I have to remain in one spot and play with the device plugged in, you know! And I hesitate to pretend like I actually fully understand such business things, but loading your software lineup with remakes right out of the gate seems questionable to me. "This new hardware is so advanced that it can even play marginally enhanced Nintendo 64 titles!" And, well, can't say I agree with Nintendo continuing to perpetuate the myth that the awkward and disjointed Ocarina of Time is genuinely a classic. Furthermore, seeing another Deca Sports among this first batch of games doesn't give me a lot of hope for the future. I'm not sure when, exactly, the powers-that-be decided that "casual gamers" were only willing to play shallow crap - like the Wii's endless parade of Wii Sports ripoffs with inferior controls, or these browser-based non-games a la FarmVille - but it's a trend of which I am not fond. They deserve better!
But, let's face it, I'm a nerd and I will eventually be getting a 3DS regardless. So, from that standpoint, I can't say that there aren't things I'm looking forward to. I'll always approve of more Paper Mario so long as it's an RPG, as opposed to a slow, plodding platformer! And I am intrigued by the possibility of the Game Boy Virtual Console. Of course, seeing as how the Wii's VC has mostly been dead for the last couple years now, I'd hope you can understand why this is not a huge immediate selling point for me.
Regardless of my scepticism of the New and Improved Virtual Boy II, I must admit that this is infinitely better than my initial thought, months ago, upon hearing the "3DS" name for the first time - a three-screened handheld? I....I don't know how that would work.