Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Summer in Crappy Cell Phone Mid-Autumn!

Well, this is late. Wanted to get this done sooner, but life stressful bloggy concerns blah blah blah excuses excuses. But things, I think, are settling down and I might have time to waste again, which is always nice. So now, herein lies the pictorial story of the uninteresting parts of Jesse's summer!

Of course, there was that cross-country drive with all sorts of fun sights to see! The gross sprawl of the city of Chicago! The um....well, time and budget were limited so I really didn't see all that much at all. But I did end up stopping to take a bathroom break at what turned out to be a little North Dakota truck stop right on the (other) continental divide! So I moseyed on over to take a look at the little information cabin they poured so much effort into. In an attempt at some delightful natural ambience, they decided to dangle a plastic owl from the ceiling. By its neck. I don't think they realised the implication, but of course I did. And I certainly hope they eventually undo the work of this cruel, cruel exec-hoot-ioner. Sorry.

So, as it turns out, I leave Montana for a year and the rivers here go all to hell. Hint: Nothing in this picture is actually usually supposed to be part of a river. Thanks to above average rainfall for the first time in ages, many rivers flooded and made people who insist on living right by rivers maybe rethink that decision a little bit. It's not like the extended drought we had before this was much better, but this is certainly more visually striking than fields of crunchy yellow grass. This was taken out along the highway just a couple days after I got back, and the flooding gradually receded soon thereafter as the rain died down enough to, um, plunge the state back into dry wildfire-friendliness. With plenty of crunchy yellow grass.

I haven't had many leisure days because money's tight, but for some reason I did find time to visit the Beartooth Nature Center. It's like a regular zoo, except instead of traditionally interesting exotic animals, they have things like chickens...

...wet chickens...

...pretentious chickens...

...and, of course, lovingly rendered bison erotica. Yeah, this sort of place is what passes for entertainment for people here dear god it's awful I want out. :)

Well, when boredom persists enough, you have to find your own amusement in the most pathetic of places, like Jay Leno. Ha ha ha, it's funny because the marks on the waffle iron are going a different direction than the marks on the waffle itself! How wacky! (No, but seriously, looking back on this, I'm more confused by the fact that there was a houseplant in the grocery store apparently. What's up with that? I can't, for the life of me, remember.)

I guess the point of all of this is that I really didn't do all that much this summer, aside from moving back down a few spaces on a list of states by alphabetical order. No real vacations or monkey showers or anything. And yet, I'm happy. I've made discoveries about myself, and I like who I am now better than who I was a couple of years ago, and I'm infinitely thankful to those who have stuck by me. Maybe next summer will be far more interesting!

(But if not, maybe I'll at least stumble across an amusing panini press.)

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