Sunday, February 6, 2011

Michigan's Auto-Erotic Obsessive Fixation

A Word From The Future: In retrospect, let me say that I'm glad nobody hired me in Detroit's shitcomony. If I'd found work, I might've spent even more time living with The Worst Person In The World.....That I've Known Personally. Thank you, bar and grill whose name I forget. Thank. You.

Okay, it's time for a little rantiness, in a not-terribly-organised format because this isn't a terribly important post!

So, like, yesterday I called on a recent application, to some crappy bar and grill. I was expecting the usual - a polite decline, maybe a facetious reminder to reapply again in a few months. Instead, I'm treated to a passive-aggressive tangent about how there are people "more deserving" of the position, who were "in Michigan before" me, and they don't appreciate me "trying to take it away" from them. So, basically, the owner of this particular establishment sees a job application from some kid whose previous work experience was in Montana, and interprets this to mean that I'm trying to steal jobs that (one assumes he thinks) should go to the out-of-work auto factory workers. Because, um, out-of-work factory workers are more important than out-of-work other types of workers, apparently.

Well, firstly - and it's always hilarious in my mind when socially awkward Jesse can actually say this about another human being - someone clearly needs to work on their people skills! Perhaps I just called on a bad day, but....yeesh. Secondly, um, isn't this a little, well, questionably legal? Even if it were I'm entirely too spineless to actually do anything about it, but the curiosity is there. Thirdly, if you are going to consciously and unfairly discriminate against a certain type of job seeker, at least don't be blatant and tell it right to their faces! That's just obvious. And fourthly, this recalls the time I was let go from that generic café in Absarokee after I moved into Columbus, because they didn't want "out-of-towners" working there. It seems as though Jesse has a precedent of not fitting in, well, pretty much anywhere! Wheeeeeee!

Now that I've been illogically accused of job-stealing, I'm slightly closer to understanding what it would feel like to be a crude and offensive Mexican stereotype.

1 comment:

  1. Jeez, if you got rejected, Imagine what would happen to me if I applied to that job. I mean, I think they would reject me even if I was born an American citizen (which I was) and didn't speak English with a thick accent (which I don't) !

    In fact, I have no ties to Mexico whatsoever. I have a Dominican aunt, but that's my only connection to a foreign country!

    Good thing I actually have a chance of going to graduate school.
