Monday, July 30, 2012

Jesse's Summer of Improvised Vegetable Shakes: Sweet Potato!

So, um, yeah. Sometimes I agree to weird stuff, and then make it even weirder by deciding to make it an official thing! Vegetable shakes? Sure, why not, let me arbitrarily make this a thing.

I'd originally intended to start off with a carrot milkshake - that's the idea from which my summer experiment emerged - but it seems like SOMEONE in this house is dead set on stealing my carrots, every single time I buy them, as soon as possible. So let's settle for something that probably makes more sense as a milkshake in the first place. Something SWEET. Sweet potatoes!

I actually had managed, somehow, to avoid trying sweet potatoes altogether until about a year ago. How? They weren't all that common up here, I guess. But they are now. Everyone's got sweet potato fever! Suddenly, you can find sweet potato fries at just about every reasonable restaurant, some of them with specialized dipping sauces. It allows me to pretend I'm being moderately more healthy than the asshole in the booth across the restaurant shovelling non-sweet regular potato fries down his throat, even though I'm probably not, seeing as how I'm dipping them in liquefied marshmallow and all.

First, I steamed up a sweet potato - shocking, I know. Then, I threw that soft mushy goodness in the blender, added some milk, ice cubes, vanilla, and cinnamon, and let it blend them, as blenders are wont to do. (My spice cabinet is woefully inadequate, I'm sorry.)

The verdict? My entire kitchen and everything and everyone in it is blurry, if my phone's camera is to be believed.

(Oh, and the shake was actually pretty good.)

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